Saturday, October 10, 2015

Is swach Bharat Abhiya Really Working In India?

India is very clean country and very spiritual country as we all know and say. But i really like to know that is it really is? Are we Indian people ever try to make this country same as we say to ever one. I am not blaming to all the Indians but just like to ask the people who just say this line but never try to do the same by this can we make our country the same? How many of the people really trying to clean the country and how they make other to make it clean? Now also i see many people through dust out of their house on the road. The people in car throughout bottle and chips Polly bag out from car. Is it the part of making India clean or making it clean? Do we Indians (who do all the above) really like to make our country clean or just we like to live the way we are?

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