Saturday, October 10, 2015

Is swach Bharat Abhiya Really Working In India?

India is very clean country and very spiritual country as we all know and say. But i really like to know that is it really is? Are we Indian people ever try to make this country same as we say to ever one. I am not blaming to all the Indians but just like to ask the people who just say this line but never try to do the same by this can we make our country the same? How many of the people really trying to clean the country and how they make other to make it clean? Now also i see many people through dust out of their house on the road. The people in car throughout bottle and chips Polly bag out from car. Is it the part of making India clean or making it clean? Do we Indians (who do all the above) really like to make our country clean or just we like to live the way we are?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Now get insurance when u recharge you mobile

हाल ही में यूनिनॉर से टेलीनॉर बनी टेलीकॉम कंपनी ने अपने मौजूदा और नए ग्राहकों के लिए एक ऐसी स्कीम शुरू की है, जिसके तहत उन्हें लाइफ इंश्योरेंस का फायदा मिलेगा। कंपनी की इस स्कीम के तहत हर ग्राहक को 5,000 से 50,000 रुपए तक का लाइफ इंश्योरेंस मुहैया कराया जाएगा। इसके लिए सारा प्रीमियम कंपनी की तरफ से ही चुकाया जाएगा। कोई भी ग्राहक अगर इस स्कीम को लेना चाहता है तो उसे टेलीनॉर के कॉल सेंटर में फोन करना होगा या फिर टेलीनॉर के किसी स्टोर पर जाकर इसके लिए आवेदन करना होगा। यह इंश्योरेंस कवर किसी ग्राहक के द्वारा किए गए रिचार्ज की कीमत के 100 गुना के बराबर तक हो सकता है। हालांकि, इस स्कीम के तहत मिलने वाला अधिकतम लाभ 50,000 रुपयों तक ही हो सकता है। किसी ग्राहक की मौत हो जाने पर सिम कार्ड समेत कुछ और भी दस्तावेज कंपनी के पास जमा करने होंगे। इसके बाद ग्राहक के परिजन बीमा राशि के लिए क्लेम कर सकते हैं। कंपनी का दावा है कि किसी भी क्लेम का निपटारा सात दिनों के अंदर कर दिया जाएगा। वहीं कंपनी का यह भी कहना है कि अगर ग्राहक का बैंक खाता है तो क्लेम 48 घंटों के भीतर ही प्रोसेस कर दिया जाएगा। आपको बता दें कि फिलहाल कंपनी के करीब 4.75 करोड़ ग्राहक हैं। यह कंपनी 6 सर्कल में चलती है और इसके करीब 2100 स्टोर भी हैं। यूं तो इंश्योरेंस स्कीम की वैधता एक साल के लिए होगी, लेकिन अगर ग्राहक चाहे तो इसे बढ़वा भी सकता है। इसके लिए उसे हर महीने कुछ अतिरिक्त कीमत का रिचार्ज कराना होगा। जब तक वह रिचार्ज कराता रहेगा, तब तक इंश्योरेंस कवर बना रहेगा।

This is my first try blog in hindi. What is best a desktop or a laptop.

आधुनिक युग में बढ़ती तकनीक के प्रवेश के साथ ही आज के समय में कंप्यूटर के बिना गुजारा नहीं है इसमें भी यूजर्स के सामने दो ऑप्शन आते हैं-डेस्कटॉप या लैपटॉप। हालाकि डेस्कटॉप की अपेक्षा अधिकांश लैपटॉप को तरजीह देते हैं। चूंकि इसके साथ आसानी से ट्रैवल किया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा, अनेक ऐसे कारण भी हैं जिसमें लैपटॉप डेस्कटॉप को पछाड़ देता हैं। क्या आपने ट्राई किए वाट्सऐप्प के ये बेहतरीन ट्रिक्स! चलिए जानते हैं इनको-- कीमतः बढ़ती तकनीक व प्रतिस्पर्धा से कम्प्यूटर काफी सस्ते हुए हैं। इसके बावजूद लैपटॉप डेस्कटॉप से महंगा है। आपको एक अच्छा लैपटॉप जहां लगभग 35,000 रुपए का मिलेगा वहीं बेहतर डेस्कटॉप 25,000 रुपए में मिल जाएगा। स्क्रीनः बजट के अनुसार लैपटॉप की कनफिगरेशन मिलना मुश्किल होता है। कभी स्क्रीन छोटी तो कभी रैम कम या हार्डडिस्‍क कम। वहीं डेस्कटॉप में सीपीयू व मॉनिटर अलग-अलग होता है। इससे आपको इच्छानुसार सीपीयू व स्क्रीन साइज वाले मॉनिटर लेने में आसानी होती है। प्रोसेसर और रैम: लैपटॉप व डेस्कटॉप का सबसे प्रमुख भाग प्रोसेसर व रैम होता है। दोनों की स्पीड जितनी अधिक होगी कंप्यूटर उतना तेज काम करेगा। डेस्कटाॅप के प्रोसेसर को आसानी से अपग्रेड किया जा सकता है जबकि लैपटॉप में यह काम मुश्किल होता हे। हां, डेस्कटॉप व लैपटॉप दोनों में रैम को बढ़ाया जा सकता है। हार्ड डिस्कः डेस्कटॉप में हार्ड डिस्क बढ़ाने का ऑप्शन होता है। इसमें एक साथ अनेक इंटरनल हार्ड डिस्क लगाई जा सकती हैं। इसके साथ-साथ एक्सटर्नल हार्ड डिस्क भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। लैपटॉप में इसे बढ़ाने का ऑप्शन नहीं होता। हां आप एक्सटर्नल हार्ड डिस्क का यूज कर सकते हैं। डिजाइनः लैपटॉप का डिजाइन निरंतर बेहतर होता है जैसे यह लगातार पतला होता जा रहा है व अब मेटैलिक बॉडी में आ रहा है। वहीं डेस्कटॉप कैबिनेट में भी अब खूबसूरत लाइट आती है व इसे काफी छोटा किया गया है। असेंबलः डेस्कटॉप को यूजर्स अपने हिसाब से असेंबल करवा सकता है। जबकि लैपटॉप को कंपनी अपने हिसाब से बनाती है। ग्राफिक्स कार्डः डेस्कटॉप में आसानी से इंटरनल ग्राफिक्स कार्ड अपग्रेड हो सकता है जबकि लैपटॉप में यह काम महंगा और मुश्किल वाला होता है। कीबोर्ड व माउसः डेस्कटॉप का कीबोर्ड या माउस खराब होने पर आसानी से सस्ते में मिल जाते हैं। लैपटॉप में प्रायः एक समय-सीमा के बाद माउस पैड व कीबोर्ड या उसकी कुछ की खराब हो जाती हैं। इसको ठीक करवाने में ज्यादा पैसे लगते हैं। अपडेट: डेस्कटॉप को अपडेट यानि रैम, ग्राफिक्स कार्ड, हार्ड डिस्क, टीवी ट्यूनर, प्रोसेसर आदि कर सकते हैं। वहीं लैपटॉप में रैम को छोड़कर बाकी हार्डवेयर अपडेट करना मुश्किल होता है। रिपेयरः लैपटॉप के खराब होने पर सर्विस सेंटर ले जाना पड़ता है जहां पर आपको कुछ समय लग सकता है। रिपेयरिंग खर्च भी अधिक होता है। वहीं डेस्कटॉप की रिपेयर सस्ती, आसान व हाथों-हाथ हो जाती है। लाइफः डेस्कटॉप की लाइफ लैपटॉप से कहीं अधिक होती है। चंूंकि कि लैपटॉप का उपयोग अलग-अलग जगह पर किया जाता है, पर डेस्कटॉप एक ही जगह रखकर उपयोग होता है।

Sunday, October 4, 2015

How to Post Blogger Automatically to Facebook

When I started this post I had the preconceived notion that automatically posting from Blogger to Facebook would not be an issue at all. For some reason in the back of my mind this was as simple as using email notification to the Facebook email-to-post feature, or using Google's Feedburner.

Well, I was quite wrong about this. Trying to use the email-to-post feature in Facebook only added the blog name and title to my Facebook wall with no content or links. From Feedburner, it looked like Facebook might work but they're only supporting Twitter in their socialize feature.

Now, there are a number of Facebook plug-ins such as RSS Graffiti you can use to grab your blogger RSS feed and post it to your wall. However, I found another tool so useful that I think this might be the easiest path for anyone to use.

If This then That - or, If Blogger then Facebook

A new online utility has appeared that can simply move your social postings around between sites called (or, in other words, If This, Then That). It is so incredibly intuitive and easy to use that I had no issues setting it up.

I won't lead you on how to setup an account - you'll just need a user name and password - that's very easy to do. As you start you'll just need to activate and register your Blogger account and select your desired blog like this:

Activate your Blogger account

And then tie your Blogger blog to the IFTTT account:

Tie your Blogger Blog to IFTTT
Once registered your first step is to 'Create a Recipe' - and in our case it is going to be from Blogger to Facebook:


Simply click on the blue 'this' text to select Blogger as you source choice:

Selecting Blogger as the This Choice

You can see that there are many options for source - I've highligted the Blogger button. Next, just 'Choose a Trigger' type. In this case we want new Posts to be published to Facebook. However, you might want the second label option:

Posting from Blogger for Any New Post
Go ahead and select 'Any new post' for now. Now you will see the Trigger that will kick off the event.

Blogger Trigger to Post

Just select the 'Create Trigger' button to continue. You're going to be directed now to the action that occurs when you trigger off a Blogger Post. Just select the 'that' blue link to continue:

Now you'll see the full list again of social media sites. There are some great options here - but, for our tutorial just click on the 'Facebook' icon:

If this is your first time into IFTTT then you'll need to register your Facebook account much like how you did your Blogger account. Be sure you're logged into your desired Facebook account first.

Activate your Facebook account

Now you'll have to make a selection if you want the Blogger post to be fully copied to Facebook, or, just a link back to the blog. I prefer the second option 'Create a link post'  - but you make your choice:

Triggering an Action to Post to Facebook

This is the tricky part - how you want the message formatted on your Facebook page. You can certainly experiment with this - but, you'll want to Create an Action that has the URL in the link field and the subject with your own text mixed with your blog post:

Action Fields for Facebook Wall

Just press 'Create Action' when done and you should have something like this:

Final Blogger to Facebook Action
You can see I used the PostContent field - but, you certainly don't have to fill your wall with the full Blogger post.  Your connection is now ready!!

If Blogger then Facebook

Now that your link is active you can test it by posting to Blogger, then jumping over to and clicking on the Recipe you just created and selecting the 'Check' button on the right side of the screen like so:

This normally runs every 15 minutes - but, by clicking on Check your post will appear on Facebook in seconds.

A Great tool in my mind!  Enjoy!!

Yoshi's secret history: 20 things you didn't know about Mario's dinosaur sidekick .

It's been 20 years since Mario's Koopa-chomping steed Yoshi was given the solo adventure he deserved in Super Nintendo classic Yoshi's Island, an endearing prequel to the much-loved Super Mario World.

From surprise cameos in the Legend of Zelda series to the character's full name, check out these 20 amazing facts about Mario's prehistoric pal.

1. Yoshi's full name is T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas

Super Mario World
© Nintendo

That's right, Yoshi has a full name and it's T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas. What a mouthful - no wonder he prefers to shorten it.

This factoid was revealed by Nintendo in an official character guide it published in 1993 to help licensors and other companies use their characters correctly.

2. The character eats dolphins in Japan

Yoshi in Mario Kart 8
© Nintendo

30 years of Super Mario: 30 amazing facts to celebrate the icon's 30th birthday

Remember those friendly dolphins in Super Mario World that you could hitch a ride on? In the Japanese version of the game, you could use Yoshi to eat them.

As the practise of killing innocent marine life in generally frowned upon outside of Japan, this feature was dropped in all other markets, where Yoshi's diet consists mainly of Koopa shells.

3. But its gender remains a mystery

Although there are no question marks surrounding what species Yoshi belongs to, his gender is another matter entirely.

The green dino has always been referred to as male, but laying eggs is not a very male characteristic. It seemed logical to assume that Yoshis reproduce asexually, but his bizarre romance with Birdo makes the debate all the more confusing - it's probably best not to think about it too hard.

4. Yoshi was meant to debut in the first Super Mario Bros

Yoshi's Island
© Nintendo

Most Nintendo fans became acquainted with Yoshi when he burst from that speckled egg on the Super Mario World title screen, but series mastermind Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to introduce the glutinous dinosaur several years earlier.

Miyamoto pitched the idea of Mario mounting a reptilian steed in Super Mario Bros back in 1985, but the hardware limitations of the NES made that impossible.

5. Panasonic once released a Yoshi game to promote an oven

Yoshi is probably the last video game character you'd want anywhere near the kitchen, but Nintendo once loaned his likeness to Panasonic to promote a cooking appliance in Japan.

In a bizarre piece of marketing, the electronics manufacturer commissioned a special sequel to food-themed SNES puzzler Yoshi's Cookie and bundled it with the Kuruppon Oven. The promotional game is now a sought-after collector's item that goes for around $2,000 on auction sites.

6. Someone's made a custom Yoshi motorbike in Japan

Yoshi motorbike
© Twitter / @gsx250r

We can't think of a cooler way of getting to work than on the back of Yoshi, and someone in Japan has made that a reality by modelling a custom-built motorbike on Mario's buddy.

As if the owner of these wheels didn't have enough geek-cred, the bike even features the character's trademark stretchy tongue, used as a holster for a can of oil or lubricant.

7. Yoshi was originally conceived as a type of Koopa

Before Yoshi was ready to hatch, Nintendo's top brass were debating what form he should take and one of the ideas that almost came into fruition was that of a tame Koopa Trooper.

It's a good thing this suggestion ended up on the cutting room floor because cannibalism would surely have compromised Nintendo's family-friendly image. A benevolent dinosaur he became, but some Koopa characteristics have remained.

8. The 'Yoshi vomit' weapon was dropped from Super Mario Sunshine

Graffiti-scrubbing GameCube hit Super Mario Sunshine saw Mario enlist the help of Yoshi to clean up Isle Delfino after Browser Jr had defaced the entire place.

Yoshi was supposed to have a bigger role to play as the original plan was to have players use the dinosaur to vomit jets of water and blast away the offending graffiti. Somebody at Nintendo obviously thought this was too gross, so FLUDD was dreamed up instead.

9. Yoshi was uber complex to create for the Super Mario Bros movie

Samantha Mathis in Super Mario Bros (1993)
© Rex Features / Moviestore Collection

Yoshi may have resembled a rejected Jurassic Park prop when he appeared in the reviled Super Mario Bros live-action movie, but he was actually a sophisticated piece of puppetry.

The runty raptor lookalike required 100 hours to make and 9 puppeteers to operate. Is it any wonder the film turned out the way it did when so much time and effort was invested in a puppet that spent all of five minutes on screen?

10. Oddball NES game Devil World inspired the character's design

Many years before he brought Yoshi to life, Miyamoto worked on a bonkers NES game called Devil World, in which players took control of a green dinosaur, collected bibles and battled Satan.

It never made it outside of Japan - which was probably for the best - but some good did come out of this unholy mess. The game's protagonist is widely believed to be a precursor to Yoshi.

11. Yoshi's Island was NOT his first solo outing

It's a common misconception that Yoshi's first solo outing came in 1995 when he appeared in Yoshi's Island. It was, in fact, in a critically-panned NES puzzler simply called Yoshi (he clearly hadn't found the island yet).

It was a slow and cumbersome Tetris clone developed by Game Freak, a studio that would later shake the gaming industry to its foundations when it unleashed the first Pokémon titles in 1996.

12. Yoshi has the same voice actor as KK Slider from Animal Crossing

The inhuman sounds that come out of Yoshi are actually made by a real person. Kazumi Totaka provides his strange squawks and yelps, the same voice actor behind Animal Crossing's KK Slider.

Totaka is a man of many talents and an important figure for Nintendo. As well as lending his voice to characters, he's also an award-winning composer, scoring classics such as Luigi's Mansion and Super Mario Land 2.

13. These crazy power-ups were cut from Yoshi's Island

Transforming into helicopters, submarines and mole tanks were among the highlights of Yoshi's Island, and the game almost included even more shape-shifting fun.

Hackers have since delved into the game's code and discovered unused animations for power-ups that turned Yoshi into a plane, a mushroom, and a tree. Just think how many hours of fun we could have had playing as a tree.

14. Yoshi's made cameos in the Legend of Zelda series

It might sound like a tonal clash, but Yoshi has made cameo appearances in the sword and sorcery-themed Legend of Zelda series, albeit subtle ones.

He appeared in Game Boy masterpiece Link's Awakening as a collectable doll, while eagle-eyed Ocarina of Times fans may have noticed his portrait adorning a wall.

15. Yoshi had a short-lived rivalry with a dino named Boshi

In Square's stellar SNES role-playing game Super Mario RPG, Yoshi had a rivalry with a mean blue dino named Boshi. He was essentially what Wario is to Mario.

In fact, Boshi actually goes by the name of Washi in the Japanese version of the game. Super Mario RPG is his sole appearance to date.

16. Yoshi's Island's visual design was an act of rebellion

Yoshi's New Island
© Nintendo

The playful, Crayola-coloured visual style of Yoshi's Island oozes charm, but it was chosen as an act of rebellion by Miyamoto.

The Nintendo hierarchy were after a game that stood up to the pre-rendered splendour of Rare's Donkey Kong County series, but feisty Miyamoto was determined to move in the opposite direction.

17. Super Maro Bros 3's wearable power-ups were Yoshi stopgaps

It sounds like dino-mania really got the better of Miyamoto during the NES era as rumours suggest he was constantly pushing the idea of introducing a rideable dinosaur to the Super Mario series.

With the NES still unable to deliver this in 1990, Super Mario Bros 3 designer Takashi Tezuka is believed to have included the frog and tanooki costumes in the game to appease the insistent Miyamoto, by having Mario take on the characteristics of animals instead of riding one.

18. Yoshi's Island used the same sprite as Yoshi's Cookie

The sprites from Yoshi's Cookie Ending and Yoshi's Island
© Nintendo

Super Mario Bros 2 aside, Nintendo isn't usually one for lazy rehashes, but the sprite from Yoshi's Island is exactly that.

The Big N merely cut and pasted pixels from Yoshi's Cookie, rather than recreate the character from scratch. That same sprite also had a cameo in Super Mario All-Stars.

19. Yoshi is the only character in Smash Bros with a unique shield

Yoshi's Island
© Nintendo

Although Mario and Yoshi are the best of friends, they've been pummelling the bejesus out of each other in the Super Smash Bros series since the first instalment hit the N64 in 1999.

The gender-ambiguous dino has featured in every entry in Nintendo's crossover brawler series, and is the only character to date with an entirely unique shield. He encases himself in an egg for protection, while the others use a bubble.

20. The Game Boy Advance was unable to handle one Yoshi's Island level

When Yoshi's Island bounded onto Game Boy Advance in 2002, it almost made the jump intact, but one stage in particular was scaled down due to hardware limitations.

Level 1-7 'Fuzzy Touch Get Dizzy' required some toning down for the handheld console, particularly the mind-bending part that induced said dizziness.

Best new apps for iOS, Android and Windows: AmpMe, Google Photos, and more.........

This week was all about Android, with Google unveiling a pair of new Nexus smartphones to act as flagships for its Marshmallow operating system - which begins its rollout next week - and we have quite the selection of apps for anyone who's thinking about upgrading.

But you don't have to be on Android to enjoy the latest edition of our apps round-up, as this week's highlights include a cross-platform application that pools the audio output of all your devices, and the arrival of Google Keep on iOS.

1. AmpMe

© Amp Me Inc

Available on: iOS, Android
AmpMe is a cheaper alternative to buying a home sound system. It syncs all of your mobile's devices together to surround your abode with audio.

You can install it on as many devices as you want, whether they're iOS or Android-powered, and it also syncs with your Bluetooth speakers.

It's the kind of thing that's ideal at parties. Imagine yourself and a group of friends all packing this app on their smartphones, pumping out the same tune in unison.

Price: Free, Publisher: AmpMe, Inc, Release date: Out now

2. Google Keep

Google Keep
© Google

Available on: iOS, Android
Google Keep is a popular app for taking notes that are easy on the eye. This week, it made the jump from Android to iOS to give Evernote a run for its money.

It lets users capture, edit, share, and collaborate on notes from any device on the go - and its arrival on iOS means users can work together across mobile platforms.

Google Keep is for you if the idea of text-only notes bores you. With this app, your random scribblings will be adorned with photos, colours and embedded audio clips.

Price: Free, Publisher: Google, Release date: Out now

3. Khan Academy

Khan Academy
© Khan Academy

Available on: iOS, Android
No, it's not a training application for Star Trek villains, but Khan Academy will teach you a thing or two about the universe.

The app is an emporium of information where users can learn about anything and everything, with more than 10,000 articles and videos providing the basis of your lessons.

It's ideal as a study aid for students of all ages, with topics including maths, science, economics, history and more.

Price: Free, Publisher: Khan Academy, Release date: Out now

4. Kibo

© Group Logic

Available on: iOS
Kibo is a keyboard app for iPhone that adds extra layers of privacy and security to all of your correspondence.

Any messages typed on its digital keys can be locked away from prying eyes at the touch of a button and replaced with an innocuous phrase - only you and the recipient will have access to the underlying text.

It's the kind of app that would come in useful if you happen to work for MI5, or failing that, you simply value privacy over all else.

Price: Free, Publisher: Group Logic, Release date: Out now

5. Firefox Browser for Android

Firefox Browser for Android
© Mozilla

Available On: Android
Failing to provide freedom of choice on web browsers is the kind of thing that can get you sued - just ask Microsoft - but nobody can accuse Google of that.

The latest version of Mozilla's Firefox has just touched down on Android, bringing with it a crop of new features for those who find Google Chrome isn't everything they want it to be.

The new Firefox includes a quick-search feature, improved bookmark management with duplicate detection, and the option to open apps from browser links.

Price: Free, Publisher: Mozilla, Release date: Out now

6. Daily Pic

© T.Partl

Available on: Windows Phone
You'd be hard pressed to find somebody who prefers Bing over Google, but you have to admit, the Microsoft search engine's daily photographs are rather nice.

Daily Pic for Windows Phone is an app that brings you those images only, in glorious Full HD resolution, without the neglected search engine they're usually attached to.

Along with a never-ending supply of pretty pictures, the app brings you supplemental information about each photo along with details about the photographer who shot it.

Price: Free, Publisher: T.Partl, Release date: Out now

7. Tweetbot 4

Tweetbot 4 for Twitter
© Tapbots

Available on: iOS
If you think that the official Twitter app is the best way to experience the microblogging service on iOS, you'd be wrong.

Tweetbot is the best third-party Twitter client on the App Store, and the latest version makes it even better, with stylish new animations, an overhauled profile page, and a landscape mode.

Its headline feature is the new Activity tab, which collates all of your notifications into a single stream. Moreover, Tweetbot 4 is a universal app that syncs your timeline across iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Price: £3.99 (time-limited discount price), Publisher: Tapbot, Release date: Out now

8. Google Photos

Google Photos
© Google

Available On: Android, iOS
You may already be a Google Photos user - but you might not be aware that the service's latest update has just improved it tenfold.

A new version of the app with Chromecast support was pushed out to iOS and Android users this week, allowing them to cast images, videos, and GIFs to a TV, with the help of a Google dongle.

And that isn't the only killer new feature - Google Photos now includes the option to create shared albums that users on different platforms can contribute to collaboratively.

Price: Free, Publisher: Google, Release date: out now

9. Password Chef

Password Chef
© Naranja Studio

Available on: i OS
Reports of hackers and data breaches making you paranoid? This app will give you peace of mind by supplying you with the kind of passwords that even Alan Turing would struggle to crack.

Password Chef has been specially designed to cook up letter and number sequences that form the basis of near-unguessable passwords, storing them on your device under the protection of a pin code.

As these passwords only exist locally on your device, you can rest easy knowing that cyber criminals are never going to get their grubby mitts on them.

Price: £2.29, Publisher: Naranja Studio, Release date: out now

App of the week

AmpMe for iOS and Android devices is our app of the week because it solves a problem that most of us will be familiar with - rubbish built-in speakers on mobile devices.

With this app pooling the audio output of all gadgets in the vicinity, your car, living room, or party venue will be rocked by a wall of music.

Creat fake conversation for fun

Follow the simple 5 Steps to create Fake WhatsApp Conversation.
  1. First Download WhatSaid APK file.
  2. Now transfer WhatSaid APK File to your android phone and install WhatSaid App normally.
  3. After installing the WhatSaid App you will notice WhatSaid App is similar to  WhatsApp one.
  4. Now its time to create fake conversation by writing friend name and by uploading friend picture and by writing fake conversation.
  5. You can also share this fake WhatsApp conversation in Facebook and Messages.

Want to transfer files upto 2 gb

Are looking for something like large file transfer that also without and login account or any registration. Then here is your solution you have to just visit
there you have to just do simple steps
1.  upload the file
2.  put the mail id of your friend to whom you like to send the file
3. put your mail id
4. and the message if you like to send to him.
and press transfer.

That's it your are done within few min your file will be send to your friends id.

How to Undo Sent Mail in Gmail in just 5 Steps

If you accidentally sent an email prematurely before you were ready to send it, there’s a feature in Gmail that you can enable that allows you to undo a sent email within a given period of time. Follow these simple steps to undo an email.
  1. Click the gear in the top right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click the Labs tab and scroll down.
  4. Find the “Undo Send” lab and select the Enable radio button.
  5. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Tired of Getting Candy Crush Invitation in Facebook Just try this

If you’re on Facebook, then you have at least one friend that incessantly sends you invitations to play “Candy Crush Saga,”. It’s beyond annoying to constantly receive a barrage of invites to play Candy Crush Saga and all the other apparently popular apps you have no interest in using.
And Yes!! it’s easy to never receive a Candy Crush notification again.
This post will help you to solve the following problems
  • How to block candy crush on Facebook
  • How to remove candy crush from Facebook
  • How to block candy crush invites
  • How to block candy crush saga on Facebook
How to Block Candy Crush Invites using Desktop/Laptop
Please follow the following steps:
  1. Log on to Facebook and pull down the notifications tab.
  2. Hover over the X next to one of your Candy Crush notifications, which will prompt you to “turn off.”
  3. Click the X, and it will give you the option to turn off all notifications from Candy Crush Saga.
  4. You’re Done
For More details refer the following screenshot

How to Block Candy Crush Invites using Android Application
  1. Open the Facebook App and click the top right option in bar (see bellow screenshot)
  2. Scroll down and go to “App Setting”
  3. Turn off the “Application Request”
    This trick will help you to turn off all kinds of application requests including Candy Crush.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Invite your friends to eRmail and earn up to 200% more commission on each read eRmail

How to make easy and fast money just visit

 I had already made 14 usd by simple reading mails..
why are you waiting just join the simple
I am a subscriber and I want to start making money
  • No cost, only earnings
  • You will get 10 USD right after registration
  • You will earn up to 0.50 USD for each eRmail read

Are you tired of seeing advertisements EVERYWHERE?

What if you were to receive a small payment for every advertisement you see?
eRmail's concept is to pay you for reading our advertisements. So why not start earning money by doing what you have already been doing?

What is eRmail?

eRmail = Solicited Email Advertising
eRmail is a revolutionary free service allowing you to earn money by doing what you have already been doing - reading advertisements.
Thanks to eRmail, companies don't have to pay a lot of money to advertising agencies, but pay you - registered users - directly by allowing them to send you information about interesting news, discounts, products or services in the U.S. market that you might find appealing.

5 reasons why to try it

  • You will get 10 USD after registration
  • You will earn up to 0.50 USD for each eRmail read
  • By referring your friends you can increase your payments up to 200 %
  • You will receive notifications about interesting news, discounts, products and services in the U.S. market and you will get paid for it
  • You will be asked to fill out simple questionnaires and for each one you will get paid up to 10 USD

What happens after the registration?

After registration:
  • You will have access into your user account.
  • You will receive notifications about interesting news, discounts, products and services in the U.S. market.
  • You will be able to invite your friends which will increase your payments for reading eRmails.
  • You will get a chance to fill out interesting questionnaires for which you will get rewarded.


Thursday, October 1, 2015